Yes, I'm finally back! I know I've been gone for a while, but I promise to make up for it, right now, 'cause this is gonna be one long post! Because a lot happened while I've been away, I've been to Italy, night out with Christina, new computer, staying up till 5 a.m. (love when I do that!) meet family from New York and I know I did a lot of other things I just can't remember them...

Okay so first of all, I went to Italy wich was awesome and cool, I did think that I was gonna melt away at some point, no seriously... But here is a picture of some water I sailed on. I know it's not the best quality, but all of the photos I'm gonna post (a lot!) I took with my iPhone 3, so that's why :-)
But yes that was funny, we sailed for a couple of hours and because we could't understand half of what the lady said, me and my littlebrother just had our own little swag party (yes, I just said that..)
Because I went there last year as well, we didn't go and see a lot of things this time. Wich was fine by me, because it was so damn hot all the freakin time!! But we did go to this market, where I bought the most awesome shirt ever seen! Are you ready for it?

Tadaaaa! --------------->
I LOVE this shirt, it's sooooo awesome! !Funny story! I put this on right after I bought it, and I rode (on a bike) past this really hot guy, then my littlebrother said "Dude, he was wearing the same shirt as you" Kinda funny right? No, just me, ok...
Anyways I had an amazing week there, and then we were going home. 17 straight hours in our awseome, but old, Chrysler. And then disaster struck.. At 6 a.m. 3 hours before we were supposed to be home the engine broke. That meant a 10 hour wait in Germany and we got home 12 hours later than planned (traffic).

But I got home! And I celebrated that by going out with Christina ( and that was another thing I promised, to blog the next time when her and I went out! But I didn't have the time during the evening and I didn't feel like doing it the day after - so now here it is!!
Okay so we were getting ready and I did Christinas nails (YES I DID HER NAILS, DON'T JUDGE ME, to hard..) But here are the "in the process" and the "they're done" pics!

Yay! Okay so we got ready and went to the city. We went to a place called Globe it was a great night, even tho Christina was tired and my legs hurt like hell.. And there was this creepy "old" guy (mid-late 30's) and nooo not pedophile. If you read this one you would know how the age limits are here in Denmark :-)
So here are some pictures of me and Christina (Christina is the short blond one. And don't you say she's not that shor, she is wearing heals and I'm in converse!:-)

And if you are wondering about the wierd color of my hair, here's an explanation. I'm a ginger/redhead

and I had dyed my hair brown, but because I went to sunny Italy and sepnt a fair amount of time in the ocean, the hair dye kinda washed out, but not really. So that's why my hair is wierd. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the pictures and so on! My summer has been pretty great, how was yours? Leave me a comme t or tweet me? @LiveFromEmma follow me and I'll follow you back!
Christinas twitter @ChristinaAPF, go follow her and read her blog she really funny and sweet, and she loves sarcasm!
Peace out (or something less.... awkward..) And I hope this isn't to wierd to look at!
Hugs Emma:-*
Woah... You really meant it when you said long post! :-P Cool!
SvarSletYou have family in NY!? Awesomeness!!! :-D
AND you've been to Italy? Wish I could have gone to Italy... But nooo, I had to go to Wisconsin. Nice, right?
You two are some really pretty, cool girls! So happy I found your blog(s)! ;-)
Keep me updated gurl! Peace out! ;-P