torsdag den 30. august 2012

4 days, and not happy..

Okay so to not be all negative today, I'm gonna start out by mentioning some good things that happened today. I bought a pair of jeans (cheap!) and I hung out with Christina.

Now to the bad stuff... I lost my favorite shirt, which is new, kinda expensive and super awesome! I literally looked everywhere! All over my house, in my bags in the laundry basket, at my best friends' house, her laundry basket, at Christinas house, at another friends house - and it's just gone! So angry..
On top of that more bad things. I got my paycheck - which you would think was a good thing.. Well my problem is that it seems like I didn't get enough money.. Like a quarter of what I usually get. And I know that I was on holiday for a bit of the month, where I didn't work, but this just doesn't add up, I think?.
Argh, it's just so annoying! And I can't even call my boss to see if she knows why, because it's too late in the evening here to do that. So I have to go to my workplace at like 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to check my work schedule - then go to Christina to drop off some stuff - and then I've got 5 hours of school...
Tired and angry - not a good combo!

So sorry about the angry-rant. But to make up for it I'll just show you my new pants!!:-))

They're just sooooo nice! The picture is a little dark, they're actually a bit more blue in real life - but they make your legs look really nice!
And compared to a lot of other high-waits pants, they actually follow my back pretty well! (my back is pretty bended - maybe you can see it - but sometimes pants just go in a straight line from your ass too the top part off the pants, and it just looks wrong)

Yay! Hope I weren't to angry, I just really needed to get this off my chest! See ya tomorrow!

Twitter: @LiveFromEmma

Hugs Emma:-*

2 kommentarer:

  1. You have some ass long legs girl! :-O That's not fair!

    And i'm starting to get why guys keeps starring at your butt ;-).

    Btw. Nice pants :-).

  2. Well I'm kinda 5"9, so yeah my legs are long! :-D
