But then there are those boys, who's never cold. I'm talking the boys that refuse to wear a coat in the winter?! They just walk around in a sweatshirt.. And sometimes they even wear shorts.. And I.. I just son't get it?? Here I am freezing my ass of, and then you just walk around in fucking shorts and a T-shirt.. Dude it's like -5 degrees Celsius, put some clothes on :-) Or well that is your own decision;-)
I just think it's funny how people are so different with those things, Take my friend Christina (http://thechristinashuffle.blogspot.com/) and I, her body temperature is really low compared to me. Like if our hands touch, I'll be like "UIIIH you're so cold!" and Christina will just be like "No, you are just really hot" (no, not like that:-p)
What about you, are you a hot or a cold person - temperature wise??:-)
Well that's all for now, remember I'm on twitter! @LiveFromEmma
Hugs Emma:-*
Oh.. Well I am definitely a HOT person.. Get it? No.. I guess I am hot and cold? :/
SvarSletDepends on my health and you know... :-)