fredag den 25. maj 2012


Oh yeah, it's summer (well almost!) and I am loving it! Time for shorts, parties, guys on the beach without shirts on... Oh heaven ^^
So obviously I love the summer, like a lot of people and like, when the weather is finally getting warm, people get all happy and tan (unless you are (Love ya Boo<3) . And one of the things I love the most about the summer, is the food! I LOVE spearibs with french fries and salad. It the freaking best combo ever! Man, it's the best! :-D

Now I could go on and on about the things that I love about the summer, but I won't. At least not this time;-)
Oh man, but the weather has been sooooo nice this past week! I actually got a tan!:-O HAHA TAKE THAT GINGERNESS! Ah well, so I feel like some times my blog misses a little color, so here is a picture of me :-)
Okay maybe not the best quality, but yeah you can tell that it's summertime!
(Realized that the light from the window is fucking my arm up.. Crap I look tall.. Which I'm  not *awkward face* 174 cm isn't tall  for a 16 year old girl right??)

Now another thing we just  associate with summer is the holiday. But unlike America we don't have one long holiday, we have a lot of 1 week holidays and then the summerholiday which is 1½ months. (longer depending on when you have your final exam. In my case it's June 13th and then school starts midt August)

Well that's all for this time guys!
Remember my Twitter?? If not, here it is;-)

Hugs Emma:-*

onsdag den 16. maj 2012

I'm cold!

Urgh does anyone else have that problem? When you're in class or at work and it's just so fucking cold that all you wanna do is go home and stay under the covers forever. Well it's not all the time, but I usually wear i jacket in school, right now I'm sitting with my jacket over my legs. And I know what you're thinking, "wear some more clothes" this being said, even though I'm wearing a sweatshirt and leggings under my pants it's still freaking cold. And I'm not the only one who has this problem, half the class is cold all the time.. If they would just turn up the heat a little?:-)
But then there are those boys, who's never cold. I'm talking the boys that refuse to wear a coat in the winter?! They just walk around in a sweatshirt.. And sometimes they even wear shorts.. And I.. I just son't get it?? Here I am freezing my ass of, and then you just walk around in fucking shorts and a T-shirt.. Dude it's like -5 degrees  Celsius, put some clothes on :-) Or well that is your own decision;-)
I just think it's funny how people are so different with those things, Take my friend Christina ( and I, her body temperature is really low compared to me. Like if our hands touch, I'll be like "UIIIH you're so cold!" and Christina will just be like "No, you are just really hot" (no, not like that:-p)
What about you, are you a hot or a cold person - temperature wise??:-)

Well that's all for now, remember I'm on twitter! @LiveFromEmma

Hugs Emma:-*

mandag den 14. maj 2012

My thoughts on...

Okay so earlier I explained which people I watch on youtube, and one of those person is JennaMarbles. And this past week (may 2012) she made a video on what she thinks of marriage. And I of course watched it, and I was like, THANK YOU for that awesome opinion! Finally a girl that doesn't want to get married the first second she gets the chance!:-) If you haven't watched it yet, here's the link
Watched it? Okay, so don't get me wrong, if people wanna get married, it's not something I'm against! I don't care who you want to marry, as long as you are sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person:-)
And yes, even though you are young you have the right to get married, I judt don't see why you want to get it "done" so fast, dude you're 21, it's not like you're in a hurry (under some cercomstances you might be, that I respect) But if you don't have a life thretning desease, or you're going to war or something like that, I think it's okay to just take a breath and say, "You know what honey, let's get engaged" but then just take your sweet time to plan it, make sure that you both agree on the things!:-)
Now of course this is just my personal opinion, and the reason I felt like writing this is because if I'm out with some friends and we walk past a store where there is a wedding dress, I promise you, thay will all stop and say "OMG it's so pretty" or "can't wait till I get to try out the dresses" And I'm standing here like "Dude, no. You're 16 get real *facepalm*" I don't know, maybe I'm just bad at being a girl.. Sorry I'd raher sleep than go shopping for a dress (don't get me wrong here, I love shopping, I'm just not good with the most girly shit) sorry that I'd rather have a large sparribbs with french fries than a freakin' caecar salad. Or well not sorry, it's just me.. I still love my stilettoes, my make-up and checking boys out, but there is just sometimes when I think "Why are you girly?! It's kinda freaking me out" That being said, my prefered alcoholic drink is beer. Yes, beer okay, it's fucking awesome!:-D
Please leave a comment, I'd love to hear your opinion!:-)
Remember you can follow me on Twitter @LiveFromEmma

Hugs Emma:-*

tirsdag den 8. maj 2012

Sexy and I know it!

Well not yet, but with the new schedule I made and the promise to myself that I wouldn't eat cake unless my mom buys it, I will get there!
Now I'm not a health-freak, at all. But I used to be in pretty good shape, I ran 3 km. in like 10 mins.. That's good for a 15 year old girl. But I've gotten older (oh yeah, a whole year and a half!) and with my bad knee it just haven't been that important for me. But that is going to change now, I will get ripped again!:-D Now I would just like to point out that I am not overweight or anything I'm 62 kg and 175 cm, and muscular, but I want to remove that lovely cake-layer i have:-) #bikini time soon
And what better time to start than now?? I'm mean it's neighter to warm or to cold outside (I live in Denmark;-)
and... Well I ran out of arguments, but still it's pretty fucking awesome!!! That being said I'm gonna start out by running on my crosstrainer, so no outside yet. BUT LATER!
Wee I get all happy thinking about my motivation being back. I kinda stopped doing anything beside gym-class when the gym season stopped (I was co. coatch) so for me to have the feeling that I wanna get of my butt, pretty sweet!
GARH I wanna say something interresting, but I don't really have any news.. I put gas on my scooter today, went to an art museum (ARoS) with my art-class, took pictures, ate a lot! Yeah I think that was it. But you know what, just so you guys know what I plan on doing, I'm gonna show you my schedule!:-) I just have to write it in english instead of danish.. Hold on!

Okay here we go! :-D
 I figured that you would be able to tell the days in the top:-) If not, it starts with Monday and ends with Sunday.. Boom boom bang, now you can tell the weekdays in danish!;-)

Well that's all for now, but you can follow me on Twitter @LiveFromEmma or on Instegram @universeaccordingtoemma

Hugs Emma:-*

torsdag den 3. maj 2012


Thank God it's Thursday?? Well this week it certanly is!:-D Ahh so nice! And the weather is awesome, and tomorrow I could get to sleep long and get up to go out in the sun. Oh wait, that's right, I can't. Sure I've got the day off from school tomorrow, but I still have to get up early, so I can help my dad and then I'm gonna go to my cousins confirmation (wich I am looking forward to!:-) And the nice weather, it will be gone.. Shit.. Like right now it's 20 C, but tomorrow it's gonna be like 10 C, and that sucks! Oh well, happy thoughts!:-)

Okay so I wanted to explain something. Right now we are doing an art projekt (I already told you this, but what the heck) and I'm waaay behind. But I was thinking that I would post a little blog later today with some photoes of the progress?? Sounds good, well I think so!;-) Okay so here is a little picture of something I made earlier this year.
And if you must ask *imagine that you do* yes we HAD to do a self-portrait, so this is, erm me?? :-)
Hope you like it!

Remember to follow me on twitter @LiveFromEmma
Hugs Emma:-*

tirsdag den 1. maj 2012


Oh crap I'm sick.. Or well I've got a cold, so stuffed nose! It's so typical, I always get sick whenever I've been out! And it's not like I was dressed for it to happend, I wear proper clothes!:-)
So right now it's finally sunny and 20 degres celsius, and I'm sititng here in biology with my big scarf on.. FML
But you know what?? I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy that it the workers fight day, and I am still going to work this afternoon.
Hmm I think maybe I'm being a little negativ right now, so I'll try to think some happy thoughts instead..
So here is a picture list of awesome thing you should have when you've got a cold!;-)

The mustache cup!

A wonderful scarf!

Sleep and a warm bed!

Bad TV shows!

Pretty sure that was it?? So yeah, that's what I like when I'm sick, what do you like to do?? Leave me your answer in the comments below:-)
Remember to subscribe and follow me on Twitter #LiveFromEmma

Hugs Emma:-*