So obviously I love the summer, like a lot of people and like, when the weather is finally getting warm, people get all happy and tan (unless you are (Love ya Boo<3) . And one of the things I love the most about the summer, is the food! I LOVE spearibs with french fries and salad. It the freaking best combo ever! Man, it's the best! :-D
Oh man, but the weather has been sooooo nice this past week! I actually got a tan!:-O HAHA TAKE THAT GINGERNESS! Ah well, so I feel like some times my blog misses a little color, so here is a picture of me :-)
Okay maybe not the best quality, but yeah you can tell that it's summertime!
(Realized that the light from the window is fucking my arm up.. Crap I look tall.. Which I'm not *awkward face* 174 cm isn't tall for a 16 year old girl right??)
Now another thing we just associate with summer is the holiday. But unlike America we don't have one long holiday, we have a lot of 1 week holidays and then the summerholiday which is 1½ months. (longer depending on when you have your final exam. In my case it's June 13th and then school starts midt August)
Well that's all for this time guys!
Remember my Twitter?? If not, here it is;-)
Hugs Emma:-*