søndag den 19. februar 2012

I'm back!

Hey yo, it's been a while dudes, I missed you! So I just got back from vacation yesterday and it was awesome! I went skiing with my family, and we had a ton of fun:-D
We went to Germany and it took like 6 hours in a car, it was okay. Just happy that we didn't have to drive 17 hours like when we went to Italy!
Anyways, I don't think that you missed out on so much actually.. I went to a club with one of my girldfriends a couple of weekends ago, and it was my friend Christinas birthday, so yeah, nothing really big happened:-)

Today I've spent my entire day watching Jersey Shore and I've also done my nails. And I know what you're thinking "Jersey Shore WTF?!" But I don't know, for some reason I like the show.. What can you do??

I hope that your life has been a bit more interresting than mine, and I hope that you are enjoying life! If not tell me why, and I will try and make your day!
(Deep I know)

Okay I gotta go now, 'cause I have to get up in like 4 hours!

Remember to follow me on Twitter #LiveFromEmma, and subscribe to my blog if you think it's any good??:-)

                             Hugs Emma:-*

1 kommentar:

  1. How come I don't get any notifications about when you post something? :-S

    Hm. Well, Hi! Skiing huh? That sounds dangerous!
    Great you had a good time. :-D

    When are you going to post again? :-)
